But a lot of fun. : )
Something I learned this week. To NEVER go on back to back exchanges ever again. That was the most stressful time of my life. (kay, maybe not of my life, but I don't want to do it again.) I left on Monday night, and I spent Monday night and Tuesday in a singles branch with Sister Rosa. I'm pretty sure that she and I were meant for each other, and I pray that we will gt to serve together one day. We had so. much. fun. And worked super hard too! We always witness miracles on exchanges, and that's the best ever. :) Then, I came home Tuesday night, and immediately had to run to a youth night to teach the youth, and my companion left to another area. I spent all day Wednesday with Sister Blake, whom I'm also pretty sure we were friends before this life. (In fact, when she and I met a couple transfers ago when she was a brand spankin' new missionary, those were her exact words to me.) Anyways, that day was a little slow. I felt sick, we went slow, and got to talk to a few people. It was such a relief when I finally got my companion back Wednesday evening, and we then rushed to an appointment together. I would rather be stressed and crazy with my companion. (I really like to think that I won't be very awkward when I come home. But then I realize I've developed weird habits of backing every car out of the parking spot. I'm hearing music I've never heard before. And when my companion steps away to talk to someone for a minute, even though she's still in sight and sound, I feel like I've lost a limb or something. As much as I miss alone time...that will be really hard for me to get used to again when I get back.)
Well, we met with Golda on Wednesday. She made dinner, but we didn't end up really having time for a lesson. So we'll try again this Wednesday. They are hopefully going to be moving, so that will be good. : ) They need a new place with more room desperately.
We met with Dawn briefly yesterday...Sis. Leonhardt was able to say goodbye. Things were fine, but we didn't really teach anything. We'll give her some space and maybe try again for reals in a couple months or so.
Amber got a new job this week doing hospice. She works crazy hours, so we weren't really able to have a lesson this week. BUT, the whole family came to church yesterday, and really liked it. We are seeing them on Tuesday and we're going to teach them a little more, answer questions, and get them more on the road to baptism. Austin said yesterday that he really want to get baptized. : ) We're also going over on Thursday for birthday things. (Phil and I share a birthday.) So they said that we would throw a party of sorts. I'm excited. : )
Emilio and Nichole are doing great! They missed church yesterday because of a birthday party and such, but we did birthday things over there for Candace. They are such a fun family. : ) And we're going back a couple times this week. They are reading the BOM, and I think they are starting to notice a difference in their lives.
A brother in our ward, Brother Dodds, referred us to another man. He home teaches them, and the dad is not a member. His name is Cullen, and he too is ready for baptism. : ) Problem...there's a lot of drama that has to be worked out. I won't tell the whole story because it's SUPER involved. But basically, they are working a bunch of things out so that Cullen can enlist in the army. When that happens, Theresa and Cullen can get married, and then Cullen can get baptized before he heads to boot camp. So we have a small window to work with. But, we asked him to read just a few verses, and he said that he reads anytime that he feels stressed or anything, and he has really liked it a lot. It helps. And his prayers are getting a lot better. He and Theresa came to church yesterday and had a good time. : )
We got a media referral last Monday. She got online and referred herself. Her name is Ashley, and her husbands name is Tony. They have had a lot of really good influences in their lives that have been Mormon. Just a lot of people setting a really good example. One thing that Tony said, is that he feels like Mormons are kind of the last civilization. That we are holding the mantle for everyone else. They just kept wondering what makes us different. We're excited to keep teaching them too. : )
And then finally, last night, we met a guy named Adam. He is super active in his church, but likes to have us over. He's headed to Utah next week for some training, so he's going to drop by Temple Square, and he'll probably go to one of our churches out there. Good man. : )
Anyways, that was the excitement for this week I think. We have a lot of good things coming up too! And it's Sister Leonhardt's last week. Ever. I am so distraught about that.
This morning I read a couple conference talks on peace. The 3 most important things that we need to find that true, deep, inner peace (as compared to a contentment), is 1. Reading the scriptures. Really feasting on them and studying them and taking them into your heart, and then applying them. 2. Praying. And nothing rote, but a sincere conversation with your Father in Heaven. You know how when you were a teenager, and Mom used to say, "call me when you get there!" She wanted to know you were safe, what you were doing, how you were doing, etc. because she loves you. It's the same way with God. He sent us to Earth, and gave us the power of prayer so that we could, "call Him when we got here." He loves us and wants to hear from us. 3. Take the sacrament weekly. Go to church every week, and take the sacrament and remember the atoning sacrifice that our Father has given for us. And with these three things, we will be able to build our lives on a solid foundation and find that true peace in our lives that we all yearn for.
Love ya'll! Keep on smiling, and working hard!!
Sister Brown
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Basically, life is grand!
So here's the thing, my life is just
about the same. Insane.
We spent a lot of time working with
the sister this week. We went on exchanges once, had a leadership meeting and
got a lot of good inspiration there, and lots of other good things that keep us
busy. Usually we do weekly planning on Thursdays, but we had a lot of
appointments and things come up on Thursday, so we did weekly planning on
Friday! (and District meeting was cancelled, so that was a bummer, but it
finally gave us enough time to plan!) Also, we like to 'plan and tan'. We
find a picnic table, or spread out blankets, and take all of our binders and
such, and go plan outside. It’s the BEST :)
As I told you, we talked to Dawn on
Monday, and she had completely given up her coffee and whatnot. She was
struggling a lot, but she was dong alright. We called her on Wednesday, and set
up a dinner for Thursday. Things sounded positive, and we weren't worried about
her at all. But then, we received a call on Thursday morning, saying that she
couldn't do it anymore. She said that she was done, and it was too hard. She
went to her Lutheran church yesterday, and that she didn't want us to come and
teach her anymore.
That was so hard to hear. Everything
was going to go so well, and she knew that it was true, and then decided that
things were too hard. That's another thing that I am learning on my mission.
Sometimes things are really hard. Sometimes you feel sick, or your companion is
lazy (not a problem I've ever had thank heavens), and no matter how you feel or
what happens, the work still needs to happen. People still need to be taught,
so you go and teach. And it's so hard to see when people know that this gospel
is true. When they see that this is the path that they need to take, and then
they give up. They don't cling to the truth, and they turn away. It’s so hard
to watch.
We are going to go and visit her one
more time this week to see how she is doing, and to take her a little gift, but
I’m not sure what to expect.
Amber and Phil are doing great!!
Amber and the kids came to church yesterday. It was a little long for them the
first time, so they only stayed an hour. But next week they are planning on
coming again, and I think that the kids will really enjoy primary and such. It
was a good experience. We have been teaching them for only a couple weeks, but
it feels like I have known them for a way long time, and I have been teaching
them for a while. It’s weird to think that it's been such a short time.
We also had a really neat miracle
story with them this last week. We went over a couple of times, and on Thursday
we had a member with us, and we were going to review the Restoration because
the boys had missed it the first time. When we got there, they had invited
another friend, Amber (2), to come too. I think she had been staying at their
house or something. Anyways, we were chatting, and as we were saying an opening
prayer, Amber (2)'s baby (3 months old), started having a seizure. It was so
sad. It was hard to watch her suffer when there wasn't really anything that we
could do about it. We took the opportunity to teach about the priesthood, and
we offered her a blessing of healing for her baby, and one of comfort for her.
She accepted, and we called our District Leader, who came over right away. They
blessed the baby, and Amber (2), and the spirit was SO powerful. It was
incredible. They said that the baby would be healed, based on her mother's
faith. She was busy this weekend, but we will try and send missionaries over to
her house soon, and maybe she will come to church too.
Amelio and Nichole are doing
wonderful! We left them with Moroni 10:3-5 to read. She said that when she read
it, she really felt the spirit. It just kind of hit her. She read it to the
whole family, and it was exactly what they needed at the time. We are going
over on Thursday for a birthday party and another lesson this weekend. They are
so neat, because they tell us about how ready they are to learn. They are so
excited to learn more and feel the spirit. Such a neat family :)
Golda has had a pretty crazy week
too. We taught the restoration on Wednesday, and we will teach again and have
dinner with her on this Wednesday. It’s going to be great :) I love her so
Ether 12 was my big study this week.
Focus on faith. Miracles happen when we have faith, and we will receive no
witness until after the trial of our faith.
"There is no growth in your
comfort zone and no comfort in your growth zone".
Anyways, love y'all. You’re the
greatest! Work hard this week, and make it a good one!
Sister Brown
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Be Still, and Know that I am God
I don't know that I could be more grateful for everything that has taken place the last couple of weeks. I have mostly learned that when you do your part, the Lord will take care of you. He will watch over you, (and in my case, also my area.) We have been running around taking care of sisters, and going to meetings, and exchanges, and more taking care of people. And this has been the time that the most has happened.
So Dawn is absolutely incredible!! She is still planning on getting baptized on the 29th of this month. But, she needs to be done with her addictions two weeks before her baptism (This Thursday.) So we have had a couple of really great lessons with her. In fact, we went a couple days ago, and she had purged her movie collection, and taken posters off of her wall, and really gotten rid of a lot of things that she didn't feel brought in the spirit any longer. (She really love the band KISS, but took down anything to do with them of her own accord. Holy Moly!). So anyways, yesterday she went cold turkey to quit the last of her addictions (coffee and the electronic cigarette). Poor dear was stuttering and laid in bed all day from the coffee withdrawals. But she is determined. She knows that she is doing the right thing, and that she had God by her side to lift her up. She received a priesthood blessing this last weekend, and knows that she can do this hard thing so that she will be able to get baptized. Gosh I admire and love her so much.
Amber and Phil. They were a referral from a member. (We are working with Sister Walker, and her daughter, Golda, we are now teaching too! They are super cool, and Gold is so ready for the Gospel. We will teach her tonight, and I'll tell you more soon!) Anyways, we visited Amber and Phil. They are not married, they have four kids, and are super fun, and so prepared as well. They have tried a ton of different churches, but Amber and Golda have been friends for like, 11 years, and Golda suggested our church. Last week we shared the Restoration with them. We talked about Christ's church, and priesthood authority being restored. WE had another sister with us for the day, and she recited the first vision. The spirit was SO strong it was incredible. When we finished sharing the first vision, Phil's mind was baffled. He was amazed that Joseph Smith was able to see God the Father, and His Son at the same time. While the Spirit was thick, Phil left the room. When he came back after a few minutes, and just kept saying how huge it was that this could happen. He was so amazed. (In fact, my mind is still a little boggled by the experience.) He had left the room to pray. We have gone back to teach them, and are seeing them about three times a week, and they are coming to church on Sunday, and they are so excited about it. Austin is 10, and he and the 8 year old boy (Tay) boy have Book of Mormon's now, and are excited to read as well, and to come to church! We didn't set a date yet, but they said that they will get baptized, and are so eager to have that chance to have a clean slate. They are an incredible family. : )
Amelio and Nichole are another great couple! His dad is a member, so Elders referred us to them when they moved into our ward. They don't know a lot, but they have gone to church, and they know that it is good. We are bringing a priesthood holder this weekend to bless their home, and we will be teaching them twice a week as well. And again, no date, but they are planning on getting baptized if they receive an answer that this is true, and once they learn everything. they have three lovely kids, and are eager to learn. They too have tried out a lot of different churches, and so far have found the most peace and answers here. I can't wait to teach them too.
Dolly...she found us. We were at the library emailing, and she asked us if we were the LDS missionaries. (you bet!) Anyways, we finally met with her. Her uncle is a member, and we are going to teach her as well. She is in a rough place, and we are going to try and help her put everything back together. She wants to repent and start making the right choices, I think she just isn't sure where to begin. Sometimes it's really daunting when you have gotten yourself into a lot of trouble (physically, lawfully, emotionally, relationships, etc.) But she wants to do things right, so we're going to help her. : )
I just know that the lord is taking care of us, and helping us when we need it. We are so blessed to have people to teach. People that genuinely want to come closer to Christ. Nothing could bring me more joy, than to help improve the lives of others, by bringing them closer to their savior.
Pday was lovely again. we were able to convince the Elders to play an hour or so of basketball, and then come play ultimate frisbee with us. So. Much. Fun. I love it!! I think we're going to do that more often. : )
Oh, we had some boundary changes in our ward. With some minor deviations our ward basically just got split in half. Right where the mission area boundaries were before. So our area didn't really change, neither did our bishop of WML...but a lot of our other leadership did. WE had an awesome Stake Conference this last week...so I'm excited to really see what the new ward will be like.
One thing I'm seeing as an STL, is a lot of sisters going home because they are not ready. I just want to say, that if you are thinking about a mission, pray about it. Fervently speak with your Father, and wait for revelation. As much as I LOVE my mission, I know that it is hard, and it sin't for everyone. The stress is a lot to handle at times, and it is so hard for me to see so many wonderful sisters struggle so much, simply because they could have been better prepared.
So, back to the subject of my email.
That has kind of been my theme for the last week. Just slow down, and remember that God is there. For you. There was a talk in the last Ensign that you should look up. http://www.lds.org/ensign/2013/08/opening-our-hearts-to-revelation?lang=eng
I realized that even though I was doing a lot of really good things, I was staying so busy that I was forgetting to make the conscious effort to bring myself close to God. I was so worried about doing studies, and the sisters I'm over, and my investigators, and my companion, and everything else, that I forgot to take a minute to be still. Without realizing it, I was getting caught up in the "cares and clamor," and I was getting lost. As you go through your week, take a moment to "be still." Take comfort in knowing that your Father in Heaven loves you. And if you are falling farther from Him for any reason, He wants you back. Ponder the scriptures. Pray fervently and with real intent. Find joy in the little things.
Kay, I just realized that I wrote about that last week too. But keep it in mind. It's been dwelling with me all week.
Also, I went to a leadership training today, and something that really stuck out to me, was that we can't make excuses. We need to know what needs to be done, what is right, and then make a "therefore" statement, rather than a "but" statement. Know what you need to do, and then just do it, rather than coming up with a reason not to. No matter how good or reasonable your excuse may be. It's still an excuse.
One last thing...I just want to remind you to be happy. I have had a few people ask me lately how I am smiling and happy all the time. Truth is? I'm not. I have days where I am stressed. Overwhelmed. Grumpy. But I know that when I am happy, it's because I choose to be. I am obedient, and working my hardest to be consecrated. To stay close to the Lord. And when times get tough I put a smile on. I tell Satan that he's a bum, and that I am stronger than he is, and I tell myself that I am going to have a good day. I have decided that I want to be the kind of woman that when m feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan says, "Oh no! She's up!" And then I do everything in my power to make it so. and then at the end of the day, I reflect, and write down one thing that made me smile that day. Even when things were rough, there is always something that will make you smile each day. So just remember to be happy. It feels a lot better. Promise. : )
I love y'all bunches!! Keep up the good work, and know that I am praying for you. And I am so grateful for all of the prayers that are sent my way. Y;all are the greatest!!
Sister Brown
PS-If any of you have questions, feel free to post them in the comments. My dad can forward them to me, and I will do my best to reply quickly. Or if it is more personal you can send me an email. love y'all! : )
(From Gina)--Here's a cute thought for you today...
So Dawn is absolutely incredible!! She is still planning on getting baptized on the 29th of this month. But, she needs to be done with her addictions two weeks before her baptism (This Thursday.) So we have had a couple of really great lessons with her. In fact, we went a couple days ago, and she had purged her movie collection, and taken posters off of her wall, and really gotten rid of a lot of things that she didn't feel brought in the spirit any longer. (She really love the band KISS, but took down anything to do with them of her own accord. Holy Moly!). So anyways, yesterday she went cold turkey to quit the last of her addictions (coffee and the electronic cigarette). Poor dear was stuttering and laid in bed all day from the coffee withdrawals. But she is determined. She knows that she is doing the right thing, and that she had God by her side to lift her up. She received a priesthood blessing this last weekend, and knows that she can do this hard thing so that she will be able to get baptized. Gosh I admire and love her so much.
Amber and Phil. They were a referral from a member. (We are working with Sister Walker, and her daughter, Golda, we are now teaching too! They are super cool, and Gold is so ready for the Gospel. We will teach her tonight, and I'll tell you more soon!) Anyways, we visited Amber and Phil. They are not married, they have four kids, and are super fun, and so prepared as well. They have tried a ton of different churches, but Amber and Golda have been friends for like, 11 years, and Golda suggested our church. Last week we shared the Restoration with them. We talked about Christ's church, and priesthood authority being restored. WE had another sister with us for the day, and she recited the first vision. The spirit was SO strong it was incredible. When we finished sharing the first vision, Phil's mind was baffled. He was amazed that Joseph Smith was able to see God the Father, and His Son at the same time. While the Spirit was thick, Phil left the room. When he came back after a few minutes, and just kept saying how huge it was that this could happen. He was so amazed. (In fact, my mind is still a little boggled by the experience.) He had left the room to pray. We have gone back to teach them, and are seeing them about three times a week, and they are coming to church on Sunday, and they are so excited about it. Austin is 10, and he and the 8 year old boy (Tay) boy have Book of Mormon's now, and are excited to read as well, and to come to church! We didn't set a date yet, but they said that they will get baptized, and are so eager to have that chance to have a clean slate. They are an incredible family. : )
Amelio and Nichole are another great couple! His dad is a member, so Elders referred us to them when they moved into our ward. They don't know a lot, but they have gone to church, and they know that it is good. We are bringing a priesthood holder this weekend to bless their home, and we will be teaching them twice a week as well. And again, no date, but they are planning on getting baptized if they receive an answer that this is true, and once they learn everything. they have three lovely kids, and are eager to learn. They too have tried out a lot of different churches, and so far have found the most peace and answers here. I can't wait to teach them too.
Dolly...she found us. We were at the library emailing, and she asked us if we were the LDS missionaries. (you bet!) Anyways, we finally met with her. Her uncle is a member, and we are going to teach her as well. She is in a rough place, and we are going to try and help her put everything back together. She wants to repent and start making the right choices, I think she just isn't sure where to begin. Sometimes it's really daunting when you have gotten yourself into a lot of trouble (physically, lawfully, emotionally, relationships, etc.) But she wants to do things right, so we're going to help her. : )
I just know that the lord is taking care of us, and helping us when we need it. We are so blessed to have people to teach. People that genuinely want to come closer to Christ. Nothing could bring me more joy, than to help improve the lives of others, by bringing them closer to their savior.
Pday was lovely again. we were able to convince the Elders to play an hour or so of basketball, and then come play ultimate frisbee with us. So. Much. Fun. I love it!! I think we're going to do that more often. : )
Oh, we had some boundary changes in our ward. With some minor deviations our ward basically just got split in half. Right where the mission area boundaries were before. So our area didn't really change, neither did our bishop of WML...but a lot of our other leadership did. WE had an awesome Stake Conference this last week...so I'm excited to really see what the new ward will be like.
One thing I'm seeing as an STL, is a lot of sisters going home because they are not ready. I just want to say, that if you are thinking about a mission, pray about it. Fervently speak with your Father, and wait for revelation. As much as I LOVE my mission, I know that it is hard, and it sin't for everyone. The stress is a lot to handle at times, and it is so hard for me to see so many wonderful sisters struggle so much, simply because they could have been better prepared.
So, back to the subject of my email.
That has kind of been my theme for the last week. Just slow down, and remember that God is there. For you. There was a talk in the last Ensign that you should look up. http://www.lds.org/ensign/2013/08/opening-our-hearts-to-revelation?lang=eng
I realized that even though I was doing a lot of really good things, I was staying so busy that I was forgetting to make the conscious effort to bring myself close to God. I was so worried about doing studies, and the sisters I'm over, and my investigators, and my companion, and everything else, that I forgot to take a minute to be still. Without realizing it, I was getting caught up in the "cares and clamor," and I was getting lost. As you go through your week, take a moment to "be still." Take comfort in knowing that your Father in Heaven loves you. And if you are falling farther from Him for any reason, He wants you back. Ponder the scriptures. Pray fervently and with real intent. Find joy in the little things.
Kay, I just realized that I wrote about that last week too. But keep it in mind. It's been dwelling with me all week.
Also, I went to a leadership training today, and something that really stuck out to me, was that we can't make excuses. We need to know what needs to be done, what is right, and then make a "therefore" statement, rather than a "but" statement. Know what you need to do, and then just do it, rather than coming up with a reason not to. No matter how good or reasonable your excuse may be. It's still an excuse.
One last thing...I just want to remind you to be happy. I have had a few people ask me lately how I am smiling and happy all the time. Truth is? I'm not. I have days where I am stressed. Overwhelmed. Grumpy. But I know that when I am happy, it's because I choose to be. I am obedient, and working my hardest to be consecrated. To stay close to the Lord. And when times get tough I put a smile on. I tell Satan that he's a bum, and that I am stronger than he is, and I tell myself that I am going to have a good day. I have decided that I want to be the kind of woman that when m feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan says, "Oh no! She's up!" And then I do everything in my power to make it so. and then at the end of the day, I reflect, and write down one thing that made me smile that day. Even when things were rough, there is always something that will make you smile each day. So just remember to be happy. It feels a lot better. Promise. : )
I love y'all bunches!! Keep up the good work, and know that I am praying for you. And I am so grateful for all of the prayers that are sent my way. Y;all are the greatest!!
Sister Brown
PS-If any of you have questions, feel free to post them in the comments. My dad can forward them to me, and I will do my best to reply quickly. Or if it is more personal you can send me an email. love y'all! : )
(From Gina)--Here's a cute thought for you today...
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Miracles are happening
Oh heavens, this last week has been simply amazing! Crazy,
but incredible. I feel like those two always go hand in hand.
Well, Wednesday of last week, was supposed to be weekly
planning because we had meetings all day Thursday... but that definitely didn't
happen. We fasted all day in preparation for MLC (Mission Leadership Council),
so that was good, but exhausting. We ended up doing STL things and other
planning, and not weekly planning. Maybe one of these weeks we will actually
get that done at a decent time. That night we attended a baptism, and any other
appointments cancelled... so we went with a member and knocked on a lot of
empty doors. But that's missionary work for you sometimes!!
Thursday was MLC. We got there a
little before 8am. We all had breakfast and broke our fast together, and then
had instruction until like, 3 that afternoon. It just consists of learning from
president and the AP's, and reporting on our area and those under our
stewardship. Strengths we see and weaknesses we are going to work on, and wow.
It was such an uplifting meeting. We talked a lot about being a consecrated
missionary, and person for the rest of our lives, and how to best lift up those
we serve and work with. It was way good :)
Then after we went and visited a few
sisters that were struggling. It's hard to see so many missionaries struggle
and not know exactly how to help. So you just pray, and speak by the spirit,
and hope that something pricks their heart.
Then we had one of the best dinners
ever! We ate with the elders, which doesn't usually happen, and we had salad,
Tilapia, shrimp, and some of the best steak ever. It was fabulous :) haha
And then that night, we had a lesson with Dawn. (Remember
the lady that needed the blessing from the crazy night last Monday?). Well, she
wanted to watch a movie with us. But as missionaries, we are a little
restricted as to what movies we can watch. SO, we said that we would bring one.
(We’re sneaky missionaries!) So, we watched the first half of the hour long
version of Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration. It was great :) the spirit
was strong, but it was simple.
Friday we had a zone training, which was great. (I’m
probably going to miss having these meetings every week. I always feel the
spirit and learn so much!) Then after we attempted weekly planning again, not
to much avail. We had a member with us for the afternoon... and no one was
home. surprise surprise. But, we had another lesson with Dawn that night, and
it was phenomenal!! :) We finished the movie, and the spirit really was so
strong. So we realized that Dawn has met with sister missionaries a few times
before, but they were too pushy or something, and she stopped meeting. So she
actually knows a lot. We asked her how she felt about the Joseph Smith story,
and she said very simply, that it was miraculous, and she believed it. We
talked for a while about her relationship with God, and about her son that
passed away when he was 3. We talked about how she can be with her son forever....
and we asked if she would get baptized. She said yes! She said that she most
definitely would like to, and that all she has to do is 'kick the caffeine'.
(she was quite relieved when she found out that she can still have her Dr.
Pepper. so really all she has left is the electronic cigarette, and 1/2 a cup
of coffee every day). I told her that I felt she could be ready by the end of
August, and she said that that was what she had been thinking too! Her year of
no smoking is August 29, and so that is the day that she is planning on getting
baptized!!! We are so thrilled :) then after that meeting, she said that her
mom had been sick, and that we should go and pray with her. So upstairs we
went! There, we were able to witness Dawn telling her mom all the good news.
Her joy and the sweet embrace that followed is something that I will never
Saturday we had our first exchange. I was in a Spanish
area... I understood probably 60% of what was said, but I could say almost
nothing. It was one of the funniest days ever! I learned all sorts of cool
Sunday was just studies, and church, etc. Then we had a
meeting to split our ward. We covered the east half of the ward before, and the
elders covered the west half. So thankfully when they did the ward split, they
did it about like that. There are a few variations, but we got to keep our same
bishop and mostly our same area. And we are now in the Canyon Heights ward,
that meets at 1:00. (gross). And the Elders are now in the Los Altos Ward...
the smaller ward is going to be such a blessing :) But, we are planning on
doubling our size before Bishop gets released ;)
Monday was a lovely P-Day too! All
the normal... shopping, lunch, laundry/letters. Then we went to see what the
elders were doing at the stake center. Basketball of course. I was warned that
all these elders ever did was basketball, and there was no changing that. But,
I decided that maybe I could smile all cute and someone would change their
mind, right? haha jk but Sis Leaonhardt and I just shot hoops for a
while. Then got a couple elders to play horse with us. Then I got all the
elders to play speed. And not just one game, but 5 or so. (I felt very
accomplished). And then they even played volleyball with us. It was fantastic!
We ended the night by having FHE with Dawn and a member
family. We talked about the BOM, which she is going to read, and we did crafts.
I now have a lovely bead necklace :)
Then yesterday was more exchanges. I only got lost like, 6
times. But I think that's improvement, so we'll count it as a plus :) AND, from
a member referral, we got 3 new investigators. Amber, her boyfriend Phil, and
her 10 year old son Austin. (Then she has 3 more kids). They should be coming
to church soon, and we'll be teaching them again on Friday! Plus we have a few
more promising referrals we have appointments with this week. It’s gonna be
great :)
Overall everything is great!! Crazy, and a little stressing
as always, but just splendid :) love y'all so much!
Something that I studied this morning that really hit me....
the talk in the Ensign this month about revelation. Sometimes because we are so
busy with things, even when they are really good things, the world can pull us
away from God. We need to remember to "be still, and know that I am
God". If we are too crazy to ever hear the spirit, we will unintentionally
be pulling ourselves farther away. Take a moment each day to 'be still'. To
step away from everything, and remember our Lord and savior. Actively
participate in your relationship with Him, and constantly strive to make it
better and to stay close to him.
Stay strong. Thanks for all you do. Love you!!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
New area, new everything
Hey y'all!!
This week has been a crazy one. So I started my new week in ABQ-E! My new companion is Sister L., and she is absolutely wonderful. She is small and cute, and a hard worker. She keeps talking about how blessed she is to have me as a companion...but I'm pretty sure she has it all turned around. I absolutely love working with her! She finishes her mission this transfer, which is super lame. But, I'm glad to be with her as she finishes. And, she's not really trunky at all...so it's all good. We have a car, but we both like to walk, and this area is a little smaller than my last. So it's perfect to walk to the park or the library. Anyways, we basically get along great and I couldn't have asked for more.
The first few days were a little slow. We needed to re-organize the area to a way that we can better understand it. We still have probably a couple hours of organizing and such ahead of us. It's kind of daunting, but we know it will help a lot. Especially when Sis. L. leaves and I have to kind of take everything over. So...we've done a lot of that.
I cover 1/2 a ward. Which is good, because the area is massive. (Mom's note...in her last area she was covering two wards. So this new area is "massive" but still smaller than the previous one.) There are over 900 people in the ward. The primary is huge, and there are two Elders Quorums. So needless to say, it's going to take me awhile to get to know everyone. But, we are having a meeting on Sunday, where we will hopefully get the ward boundaries changed.
We have a lot of investigators...but no one is progressing right now. So I've only met a few people...a couple that we are going to try and work with more. And a recent convert, Marcia, that is absolutely wonderful.
We also found a few new (investigators) this week!! Dave, talked to the Elders that cover the other half of our ward. So we met with him in a park...and it was great. He doesn't seem too convinced yet, and his wife doesn't even want us in the home. But we gave him a BOM and asked him to read, and we'll meet with him this Sat. We also met our neighbor, Linda. She is kind of crazy, but that's why I love her. We just were walking home one day, and asked her how she was ding, and she said "Okay." So I walked over and said, "Just okay?" and then we learned her life story about how her family was affected by hurricane Katrina, and she hasn't seen her family in eight years. She's this crazy black lady, probably in her 30's. You know those videos, where they are kind of re-done and then people say things over, and over, and over again and they're real animated? (sometimes they are put to songs...what's that called?) Anyways...it was like talking to one of those...in real life. It was greats. So we all held hands and prayed with her, and we'll go back this week. : )
The rain has been kind of crazy. My area isn't too bad...but there are some areas where it's pretty bad. Lots of hail and wind. Small flash floods...but like I said, I've been safe so no worries. Monsoon season is the greatest!
Being an STL (Sister Training Leader) is possibly the greatest. I mean, it's a ton of work. But it's the best. We are working on making sure that all the sisters we cover know that we really care about them...rather than just being here to correct them. Cause that id definitely not our purpose. So, we have called, and gone to visit. There are a few that are struggling, so we go and offer advice and hugs, and sometimes ice cream. We go with them to the psychologist at the church building, and things like that. One sister has already gone home for medical things, so we're working on helping her companion feel comfortable while she is being shuffled around. We work some with President and the other ZL's (zone leaders) and DL's (district leaders) of all the sisters too. They let us know when there are problems, and then we check up on the sisters, and report back to the leaders. We also have a meeting all day this Thursday, which I am super stoked for. It keeps me SO busy, but busy is good. I really love this calling a whole lot.
Story time.
So last night was SO hectic. I don't think I can adequately give you the whole story. But essentially, we finished one of the most crazy/stressful pdays of my life. (laundry, letter writing, shopping, visiting sister, hair cuts, dinner, last-minute cancelled appointments..) We remembered that we needed to find some priesthood to give a blessing to a member's daughter. (She's a NI--new investigator too...53, crazy hard life, and is going into surgery tomorrow.) Anyways, because it's family night, we were struggling with that. We FINALLY found the men to come help us. We had to cancel an appointment with a deaf family we taught once and are trying to turn over to the elders...and turns out that the family is taking advantage of a handicapped member of the ward, and stealing money from his parents. So it was a blessing that we had to cancel. But then the reason we cancelled was because another appointment for a referral...and that fell through too. So, around 87:45, we went to meet these priesthood holders to give a blessing. We could only find one, so we were waiting in the parking lot. While chatting, we got a call from some very annoyed AL's of another zone that we had given a referral to. Apparently, they had tried to contact this referral, but found someone in the ward that was LA, and his was NM (non-member) instead...they were pretty annoyed with us. Until they realized that they didn't contact the right person. (Which we found out, because the lady that gave us the referral, called us during the phone call with the ZL's and said that the man hadn't been contacted by the elders yet...the timing couldn't have been more perfect). Meanwhile, the man we were looking for went in and gave the blessing without us, and we didn't even know it. He texted us later, and thanked us for inviting him, because he hadn't given one in a long time. But because he was inside, we were able to get to know this other couple better, and be available to take these calls.
Anyways, it was the craziest, most confusing and stressful night ever. BUT, we were fortunate enough to see how through all of these crazy things that seemed terrible in the moment, ended up being a total blessing. God was moving us around like little pawns, and we got to see the final picture. It was great. : )
I hope that made even a little bit of sense. I'm still trying to straighten the night out in my head, much less put it into words.
Well, that's about it. OH!! I hound a Waffle House here. It's just like the ones at home, and I love it a whole lot. We went there for dinner yesterday. : )
I hope ya'll have a fabulous week!! Work hard. I love you so much, and am so grateful for the prayers and support. Ya'll are my heroes. : )
Sister Brown
This week has been a crazy one. So I started my new week in ABQ-E! My new companion is Sister L., and she is absolutely wonderful. She is small and cute, and a hard worker. She keeps talking about how blessed she is to have me as a companion...but I'm pretty sure she has it all turned around. I absolutely love working with her! She finishes her mission this transfer, which is super lame. But, I'm glad to be with her as she finishes. And, she's not really trunky at all...so it's all good. We have a car, but we both like to walk, and this area is a little smaller than my last. So it's perfect to walk to the park or the library. Anyways, we basically get along great and I couldn't have asked for more.
The first few days were a little slow. We needed to re-organize the area to a way that we can better understand it. We still have probably a couple hours of organizing and such ahead of us. It's kind of daunting, but we know it will help a lot. Especially when Sis. L. leaves and I have to kind of take everything over. So...we've done a lot of that.
I cover 1/2 a ward. Which is good, because the area is massive. (Mom's note...in her last area she was covering two wards. So this new area is "massive" but still smaller than the previous one.) There are over 900 people in the ward. The primary is huge, and there are two Elders Quorums. So needless to say, it's going to take me awhile to get to know everyone. But, we are having a meeting on Sunday, where we will hopefully get the ward boundaries changed.
We have a lot of investigators...but no one is progressing right now. So I've only met a few people...a couple that we are going to try and work with more. And a recent convert, Marcia, that is absolutely wonderful.
We also found a few new (investigators) this week!! Dave, talked to the Elders that cover the other half of our ward. So we met with him in a park...and it was great. He doesn't seem too convinced yet, and his wife doesn't even want us in the home. But we gave him a BOM and asked him to read, and we'll meet with him this Sat. We also met our neighbor, Linda. She is kind of crazy, but that's why I love her. We just were walking home one day, and asked her how she was ding, and she said "Okay." So I walked over and said, "Just okay?" and then we learned her life story about how her family was affected by hurricane Katrina, and she hasn't seen her family in eight years. She's this crazy black lady, probably in her 30's. You know those videos, where they are kind of re-done and then people say things over, and over, and over again and they're real animated? (sometimes they are put to songs...what's that called?) Anyways...it was like talking to one of those...in real life. It was greats. So we all held hands and prayed with her, and we'll go back this week. : )
The rain has been kind of crazy. My area isn't too bad...but there are some areas where it's pretty bad. Lots of hail and wind. Small flash floods...but like I said, I've been safe so no worries. Monsoon season is the greatest!
Being an STL (Sister Training Leader) is possibly the greatest. I mean, it's a ton of work. But it's the best. We are working on making sure that all the sisters we cover know that we really care about them...rather than just being here to correct them. Cause that id definitely not our purpose. So, we have called, and gone to visit. There are a few that are struggling, so we go and offer advice and hugs, and sometimes ice cream. We go with them to the psychologist at the church building, and things like that. One sister has already gone home for medical things, so we're working on helping her companion feel comfortable while she is being shuffled around. We work some with President and the other ZL's (zone leaders) and DL's (district leaders) of all the sisters too. They let us know when there are problems, and then we check up on the sisters, and report back to the leaders. We also have a meeting all day this Thursday, which I am super stoked for. It keeps me SO busy, but busy is good. I really love this calling a whole lot.
Story time.
So last night was SO hectic. I don't think I can adequately give you the whole story. But essentially, we finished one of the most crazy/stressful pdays of my life. (laundry, letter writing, shopping, visiting sister, hair cuts, dinner, last-minute cancelled appointments..) We remembered that we needed to find some priesthood to give a blessing to a member's daughter. (She's a NI--new investigator too...53, crazy hard life, and is going into surgery tomorrow.) Anyways, because it's family night, we were struggling with that. We FINALLY found the men to come help us. We had to cancel an appointment with a deaf family we taught once and are trying to turn over to the elders...and turns out that the family is taking advantage of a handicapped member of the ward, and stealing money from his parents. So it was a blessing that we had to cancel. But then the reason we cancelled was because another appointment for a referral...and that fell through too. So, around 87:45, we went to meet these priesthood holders to give a blessing. We could only find one, so we were waiting in the parking lot. While chatting, we got a call from some very annoyed AL's of another zone that we had given a referral to. Apparently, they had tried to contact this referral, but found someone in the ward that was LA, and his was NM (non-member) instead...they were pretty annoyed with us. Until they realized that they didn't contact the right person. (Which we found out, because the lady that gave us the referral, called us during the phone call with the ZL's and said that the man hadn't been contacted by the elders yet...the timing couldn't have been more perfect). Meanwhile, the man we were looking for went in and gave the blessing without us, and we didn't even know it. He texted us later, and thanked us for inviting him, because he hadn't given one in a long time. But because he was inside, we were able to get to know this other couple better, and be available to take these calls.
Anyways, it was the craziest, most confusing and stressful night ever. BUT, we were fortunate enough to see how through all of these crazy things that seemed terrible in the moment, ended up being a total blessing. God was moving us around like little pawns, and we got to see the final picture. It was great. : )
I hope that made even a little bit of sense. I'm still trying to straighten the night out in my head, much less put it into words.
Well, that's about it. OH!! I hound a Waffle House here. It's just like the ones at home, and I love it a whole lot. We went there for dinner yesterday. : )
I hope ya'll have a fabulous week!! Work hard. I love you so much, and am so grateful for the prayers and support. Ya'll are my heroes. : )
Sister Brown
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The Sisters before me left a cute note. (Mom's note...I believe the shape is the logo on the NM flag, and the initials mean New Mexico, Albuquerque Mission.) |
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